GB 50073-2001 洁净厂房设计规范
GB 50333-2002医院洁净手术部建筑技术规范
JGJ 71-1990 洁净室施工及验收规范
QJ 2214-1991洁净室(区)内洁净度级别及评定
JG/T 19-1999层流洁净工作台检验标准
SJ 2131-1982洁净工作台通用技术条件
JIS B9920-2002 净化间悬浮微粒子的浓度测定方法及净化间空气洁净度的评定法
ISO 14644-1-1999 cleanrooms and associated controlled environments -- part 1: classification of air cleanliness
ISO 14644-2-2000 cleanrooms and associated controlled environments -- part 2: specifications for testing and monitoring to prove continued compliance with ISO 14644-1
ISO 14698-1-2003 cleanrooms and associated controlled environments - biocontamination control - part 1: general principles and methods
ISO 14698-2-2003 cleanrooms and associated controlled environments - biocontamination control - part 2: evaluation and interpretation of biocontamination data